The best involved approach to handle an oil spill issue is to utilize an oil spill kit unit. An oil spill kit unit pack prevent the spilled oil from making a bigger unwanted impact on the floors and if waters, spreading to a more areas. An oil spill kit unit comes in different sizes which depends upon size of spilled oil and the amount that will be required to take care of the oil spill issue. Nobody can really make sure about the correct volume of the spillage. Even though keep spill kit proportion to the storage areas. Minimal measure of an oil spill kit unit that is avilable in the market is from around 20 liters while the most extreme limit one is of around up to 1100 liters.
Oil Spill Kit Pail 5 GallonOil/Fuel spill kit in a Pail used to absorb any type of small oil spill or leak. It is designed for single use application.
Absorption/Containment Capacity: 20 Liters / 5 Gallons
Oil Spill Containment Kits |
Oil Tanker Oil Spill Kit
Oil Spill Kit Bag 10 GallonHydrocarbon portable spill kit in a Bag used to absorb any type of small oil spill or leak. It is designed for single use application.
Absorption/Containment Capacity: 40 Liters / 10 Gallons
Oil Spill Kit Trolley Bin 30 GallonPetroleum spill kit in a Trolley used to absorb any type of medium type petroleum spill up to 120 ltr capacity. It is designed for single/multi use application. Can be refill after usage. Absorption/Containment Capacity: 120 Liters / 30 Gallons
Eco-Friendly Oil Spill Kits |
Industrial Wheelie Bin Oil Spill Kit |
Oil Spill Kit Dash Bin 60 GallonDiesel spill kit in a Trolley used to absorb any type of medium type hydrocarbon spill up to 240 ltr capacity. It is designed for multi use application. Can be refill after usage.
Absorption/Containment Capacity: 240 Liters / 65 Gallons
Oil Spill Kit Over-pack 95 GallonPetrol spill kit in a Overpack used to absorb any type of large oil spill up to 360 ltr capacity. It is designed for single/multi use application. Can be refill after usage.
Absorption/Containment Capacity: 360 Liters / 95 Gallons
Overpack Oil Containment Kit |